Promised Land Sunday School

The Promised Land Sunday School is a gentle, joyful program designed to help children explore Jesus’ message of love, kindness, and peace. We welcome all children ages pre-K through sixth grade to attend Sunday School in our
beautiful “Promised Land” classrooms. The program runs from the Sunday after Labor Day through mid-June.

For children who attend the program regularly, parents are asked to please complete a registration form and give it to your child’s teacher, or return it to the church office.

Sunday School Registration

What we do

In our Promised Land Sunday School, we understand that each child’s walk with God is unique but can be enriching when we walk together. We base our lessons on the teachings of Jesus through scripture, stories, songs, and
responding to the needs of others in our community. We offer hands-on experiences such as crafts, games, drama, and preparing food for fellowship. We reflect God’s love for us out into the community and beyond as we explore what the teachings of Jesus mean in our own lives.

Our values

Center Church is an Open and Affirming church – everyone is welcome to worship with us. The doors to the Promised Land Sunday School are open to all families and children. We also provide childcare for infants and toddlers during the Sunday School year, from September – mid-June.

How to participate

Just come as you are to the 10AM Sunday worship service.

Children attend the service with their families, and leave together with their teachers following the first part of worship. Parents meet their children in the third floor Sunday School room following worship.

Center Church youth group

The Center Church Youth Group, welcoming 6th-12th graders, offers a relaxed setting in our colorful youth room, complete with bean bags and engaging discussions on topics like faith, friendship, and social issues. We actively participate in community service projects and retreats, fostering bonds among members through games, crafts, and shared experiences. Join us to explore faith, build friendships, and make a positive impact in our community!

Contact Thia in the Church Office for more information.

Thursday Bible study sessions

Unravel the essence of the teachings of Jesus in our Thursday morning Bible Study sessions, held from 10-11am in the second-floor Conference Room at Loomis Village. We extend a warm invitation to all interested individuals to join us as we delve into discussions related to Bible passages and other publications. We exploring a variety of themes, fundamental to understanding and embodying the teachings of Jesus. Find study materials conveniently available at the Church Street entrance or reach out to Laura Berzofsky at Loomis for more details. Join us in this enriching exploration of faith and community!

Rev. Lori J. Souder

“Engaging in lifelong learning and spiritual growth is at the heart of our Center Church community. Through our vibrant children’s education programs and thought-provoking adult Bible studies, we strive to deepen our understanding of faith and enrich our journey together”

— Rev. Lori J. Souder

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